Today we got a all new show for all your beautiful ears Bruja has tracks by Savage Beat/Netherlands, Crashed Out/England, Streetwise/Spain, Oi of the Tiger/Germany, Death Pill/Ukraine, Not Worth It/Belarus, Mister X/Belarus, Concrete Control/Ukraine, Doktor Bormental/Ukraine, Firestep/Ukraine, Malta/Canada, Video/Sweden, Perra Vida/Peru, Litige/France and Rubella Ballet/England, Benny blasts your ears with new music from Klonns, Crunk, Blinding Glow, Attestor, Holehog, SOUL GLO, SPY, Maniac and Living World plus faves from Framtid, Eterno Ritorno, Golpe, Last Affront and more, wrapped up with two faves from my favorite Ukrainian punk/HC band, Concrete Control and Dave Coops playlist includes Antagonizers ATL, Tank Rats, X and much more! Only on the very best Punk Rock Radio, REALPUNKRADIO.COM